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What is Physioacoustics ?


Since ancient times, low frequency sound has been used in various forms to cause physiologic and psychological effects. From the chant of Tibetan monks, to Gregorian chant, to the Music of African tribes, and Australian aborigines; low frequency sound has been used to calm, to excite, to relieve anxiety, to motivate warriors, and to induce relaxation.


Physioacoustics is a scientific method of applying low frequency stimulation to the human body in such a way as to obtain desired emotional or physical effects. Physioacoustics may be thought of as the science which takes the active ingredients out of music, concentrates them, and infuses them in pure form to motivate or heal.


Researchers in Physioacoustics use sound waves in the frequency range of 27 to 113 Hz. The frequency range below 20 Hz is called “Infrasound” as opposed to “Low Frequency Sound”. Infrasonic frequencies are never used because:

  1. 1) They have harmful side effects

  2. 2) Below 20 Hz, the human ear can distinguish individual Hz—analogous to the eye perceiving individual frames when a movie is played too slowly.


Most research in Low Frequency Sound has been carried out in Scandinavia , England , and other parts of Europe . Since 1991 research studies in Physioacoustics have been carried out at Duke University , the National Institutes of Health Center for Alternative Medicine, University of Virginia , the University of North Carolina ( Asheville ), Michigan State University (Kalamazoo Campus), etc.


Controlled studies have demonstrated statistically highly significant decreases in anxiety, tension, muscle spasticity, arousal states, and dramatic increases in relaxation and a sense of well-being.


Psychological testing shows that people who receive physioacoustic treatments feel better about themselves. The FDA has listed physioacoustic equipment as a Class One medical device and allows the claims of relief of pain, increase of blood circulation, and relaxation.


The sensation of a physioacoustic treatment, analogous to that of being vibrated, is very different from that of mechanical vibration. It is perceived as much more pleasant. Mechanical vibration systems can cause side effects such as nausea, motion sickness, loss of hand eye coordination, and nystagmus, (a rapid involuntary oscillation of the eyeballs due to dizziness).


Physioacoustics is a departure in the American medical tradition where the most commonly used nostrums rely on drugs. All drugs have side effects. Physioacoustics can ameliorate pain without clouding the mind.


How many Americans drink or take drugs to escape anxiety or “get to sleep”? “Physio” can relieve anxiety or induce sleep with no drug toxicity and no “hangover”.


The mechanism of action of Physioacoustics is based on measurements of intrinsic oscillation frequencies of the human nervous system and resonance characteristics of various muscle groups, therefore “acclimation” does not exist. Thousands of clinical research hours have taught us to use these sounds to relax, to stimulate, to relieve pain. *


The International Standards Organization (ISO) has determined levels of vibration and sound that are safe for human exposure. An independent laboratory tested the newest physioacoustic systems set at maximum amplitude and it was found to be safe within ISO Standards for human exposure even if run twenty-four hours a day.


To summarize, “Physio” is:

An enjoyable experience


Feels good

Relieves anxiety and pain

Decreases spasticity

Increases circulation


*Physioacoustics does all this without side effects common to drugs, has FDA approval as a Class One medical technology, and is safe within all ISO standards.


*Excerpt from a 2004 paper by prominent brain chemistry specialist Dr. Ross Stewart, PhD.; NeuroWellness, Inc. Dallas , Texas . Dr. Stewart has no affiliation with AugusTara, LLC.


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